Deputy president William ruto response to president Uhuru Kenyatta excite fans online

 Few days ago. President Uhuru Kenyatta made a speech and also dared his deputy William ruto to step up for claims he rejected BBI and all the government deals However many netizens especially the hustler nation were not happy with the statement. Kenyans at large waited for a very tough comeback from deputy president william ruto.

It's not a response expected by many. William ruto has a Golden heart of paying evil with good. His response excite fans online.

On a rally which was held today. Deputy president William ruto was forced to respond to the president speech

William ruto added I respect you. Despite the fact you are the president of Kenya. You also my boss, I will not resign . I am here to complete the journey with you.  

Netizens couldn't keep calm the dynasties concluded that he is too friendly because he will be on the ballot on 2022. However Hustler nation congratulated his calm and polite reply claiming that's the right leader to lead Kenya. 

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