Anyone with porn videos to be arrested for 20 years or a fine of sh 20 million -Adden duale

 Aden duale,The fearless former national Assembly majority leader has proposed  a very strict laws to stop the spread of porn videos in Kenya.

The Garissa member of parliament wants the government to make it permenperma illegal to publish or have any porn videos on our phones

Additionally,he wants the government to block all access to porn website!

Netizens will be unable to access any ponographic material in this proposed law.

Duale will introduce the proposed law,the computer misuse and cyber crime  act 2021 to the national Assembly this week. 

The proposed law seeks to ammend the computer misuse and cyber crime act.

It create harsh penalties for those who violote them. 

If legislators pass the bill, Anyone found in possession of pornography material has to spend 20 years in jail or a cash bill of 20 million sh

Additionally,it will be illegal for anyone to produce  ponographic material to publish.

A person shall not knowingly download pornography, distribute,transmit,disseminate, circulate, deliver, exhibit lend for gain.



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